British scientists found out why the male penis has no bones

British scientists found out why the male penis has no bones
Baculum walrus, approximate length 59 cm© NBC News
Most likely, the reason for this was monogamy.
The human penis does not contain bones, whereas in this body of males gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, raccoons and walruses they are. In males mice also present a tiny bone in the penis. And even the oldest ancestors of primates and carnivores it had, according to a new study, reports NBC news.
Experts suggest that the ancestors of the people eventually lost bone in the penis, as they began to build a more monogamous relationship. It is noted that one linguist says that God created eve not from the rib, but just from penis bones, which over time and did not.
Baculum (Galabova bone) described as “the most diverse of all the known bone”, which is very different in length, width and shape of male mammals.
In a new study by British scientists says that the ancestor of all mammals had no bones in the penis. However, the ancestor of primates and carnivores it was and probably contributed to the erection. Experts also found that for the first time such bone has appeared in mammals 145-95 million years ago.
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“We know that chimpanzees and bonobos — our closest relatives — have baculum. Likely that our last common ancestor also had it. However, in what period of the evolution of baculum disappeared, very difficult to understand,” says one of the study’s authors, anthropologist Matilda Brindle from University College London.
In her opinion, possibly, ancient men had such a bone, but “it might be too small to survive”. For example, the length of today’s baculum chimpanzees is only about six millimeters.
Brindle and another author Christopher OPIE studied the evolutionary history of baculum: they examined hundreds of animals that have or does not have the bone to find some patterns.
In the end, scientists found that animals with baculum usually have a long intromissive — penetration of the penis in the male sexual organ of the female. In addition, it appears that long-term penetration directly indicates that the appropriate primates and carnivores have a longer baculum.
According to scientists, longer the sexual act is necessary for the male to keep the female from the confluence with other males. In this case, increasing the chance that she will give birth to a calf from this bull that is going to take place, procreation, says Brindle.
The researchers also found that baculum longer the representatives of polygamous communities and the animals that mate only at certain times of reproduction, and not year-round (brown bears and foxes, for example). In these animals the competition between males for fertilization of females is always higher.
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The researchers suggest that it is for this reason men eventually lost his penis bone.
Chimpanzees and bonobos have a very small penile bone (about 6-8 mm) and short periods of intromission (about 7 seconds in chimpanzees and bonobos have 15 seconds). However, these animals are characterized by a polygamous mating system, so they face high level of competition between males. Perhaps for this reason they retained baculum – albeit small.
Competition for the opposite sex in men (or animals, who often choose monogamy) below, or is at a very low level.
“It is noteworthy that the people had no long intermissi or high sexual competition. So this may explain why baculum eventually “lost” men,” says Brindle.
By the way, humans are not the only primates who are deprived penis bone. For example, tarsiers and certain monkeys from Central and South America also there is no baculum, add the authors.
Earlier, experts from the University of California at Los Angeles foundthat women for short term relationships, choose partners with a large penis size, whereas for longer connections, this parameter is not the primary.
Also, the sexologist in an interview Dnia called the most common problems of Ukrainian men. With sexual disorders are turning to the doctor already at the age of 18-20.