From the website of the European Parliament disappeared hearing date bezveza for Ukraine

From the website of the European Parliament disappeared hearing date bezveza for Ukraine
© Reuters
Earlier on 3 April was the target date for the consideration of the question of a visa-free regime for Ukraine.
From the website of the European Parliament removed the date of consideration of the issue of visa-free regime for Ukraine.
This writes Espreso.
It is that of the registration card of the bill on the Parliament’s website removed a section on “Predictions”, which previously appeared date 3 April 2017 as the possible day of voting for bezviz.
The Secretariat of the European Parliament was instructed to remove the date of the vote on visa-free regime for Ukraine, in order not to create “incorrect negative expectations”.
In the European Parliament promised to remove date before the end of the day.
Read also: Visa-free exposure
Recall that on 15 December the European Parliament endorsed the introduction of a mechanism for suspension of visa-free regime between the EU and third countries.
Also note that the European Commission has acknowledged that Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions for visa-free regime in December 2015. In the fall of 2016, the draft on granting the right of visa-free travel to Europe for citizens of Ukraine had been approved by the committees of the European Parliament. In November, the decision approved in the EU Council.
Before the relevant European Parliament Committee on civil liberties, justice and home Affairs approved a mechanism for the temporary suspension of visa-free regime with third countries. The adoption of this issue is a condition of visa-free regime for Ukraine and Georgia. After a decision by the relevant Committee it must be voted in the plenary of the European Parliament and approved by the Council of the European Union.
The European Parliament adopted the decision on suspension of visa-free regime
TSN. Pdsmi day
Yesterday, 01:59
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The European Parliament adopted a mechanism for suspending the visa-free regime, which was called the last barrier to the abolition of visas. To stop visa-free to EU countries if third country nationals would threaten order and security, and will be massively unreasonable to ask for asylum.