Scammers lure thousands of hryvnia with tourists who plan holidays in the Carpathians

Scammers lure thousands of hryvnia with tourists who plan holidays in the Carpathians
“Sweet” ads and the requirements of the advance payment should alert potential visitors of the region.
To celebrate the New year on the street instead of risking the comfort of the cottage tourists in the Carpathians. Every year it becomes more and more scammers who steal photos of real estates, invent non-existent ‘ and to substitute in these ads their phone numbers, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Tourists seduce significantly lower rates and disappear as soon as get advance payment for the booking. That they were deceived, most tourists know only when it come to the mountain. “All offered 5 thousand hryvnia per day for the cottage. And then 6 thousand for three days,” – said the deceived tourist Vladimir Stepak. He planned a group of friends to celebrate New year in the Carpathians and searched for that room. Paid a Deposit of 2 thousand hryvnias. Soon friends were on business in Yaremche and decided to look at the booked cottage. But I saw an old hut, where the woman with a sick son. The neighbors argue that, Turisticheskaya fraud this family is definitely not involved – someone just used their address.
New year’s fraudulent scheme: how to recognize fake ads about rest in the Carpathians
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:10
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Instead of a comfortable cottage to celebrate New year on the street run the risk of tourists in the Carpathians. Every year it becomes more and more scammers who steal photos of real estates, invent non-existent ‘ and substitute their phone numbers. Tourists seduce significantly lower rates and disappear as soon as get advance payment for the booking.
Locals say that the so-called “new Scam” came almost every second house. “If the winter room in my cottage 550 hryvnia, she wrote 200”, – told about what they saw the ad with a photo of the owner of the estate > Hunchak. In response to the requirement to withdraw the false information about the manor on the phone, she heard only swearing. “It was a non-native, exactly. Spoke surzhik. And talked like he was a criminal authority,” says the hostess.
The local police annually open several criminal proceedings on the facts of travel fraud. However, neither the phone nor Bank details to identify criminals yet. “They take homeless, are in the Bank, open an account. When a certain amount arrives at the end of the day the phone turned off,” – said the head of Yaremche district police Department Andrei Khomin. Not to fall for fraudulent hook potential guests the real owners of the estates are advised to seek rest only on specialized travel sites.
The correspondent TSN Alla Pass