The head of the NAB told about “one chance” Onishchenko

The head of the NAB told about “one chance” Onishchenko
Sytnik said that the MP is trying statements “records” to distract people from their “antics”.
The Deputy-the fugitive Abdur is trying to politicize the matter, claiming the alleged facts of corruption in the government, while not giving the competent authorities appropriate evidence.
This statement was made head of the National anti-corruption Bureau Sytnyk in an interview with “New Time”.
See also: no, I have not addressed. Okhendovsky said that he was not asked to “drag” Onishchenko deputies
“I want to see someone punished for these crimes? Come and testify. Give the records to the NAB as the authority empowered to investigate such crimes and we give them a rating. And if you report the corruption to someone else, but not NABOO, we regard such actions only as an attempt to politicize the matter,” said Sitnik.
However, he noted that the politicization testified about attempts Onishchenko to hide from the public eye causing losses to the state.
“To divert attention from the fact that by Onishchenko caused to the state damage in 3 billion. For three years the use of three wells state company Ukrgasdobycha, a profit of $ 25 million. Three months after the liquidation of the scheme the company’s profit increased to 162 million UAH. In just three months! It just shows the scale of the corruption scheme”, — said the head of NABOO.
He also noted that the fact of recording interviews with the Deputy Oles Dovgy, ostensibly compromising the power is a positive signal.
“The fact of the appearance of this record is the signal that we are very well investigated. The only chance Onishchenko — to politicize the matter. We, therefore, on the basis of his statements where he admits involvement in the crime, in the transfer of bribes to the deputies, opened the proceedings. And invite him to testify to foreign intelligence services, and the NAB,” says the Chairman of the Bureau.
Sytnik, in addition, commented on the fact that Interpol is in no hurry to declare Onishchenko on the international wanted list.
“We still do not know the decision of Interpol. They take it for 30 days and then within 30 days following its announce. It is difficult to say how will this decision”, — he explained.
On the question of whether to do the NABS in the case of disclosure Onishchenko alleged recordings of conversations with the President, Sytnik said the following: “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We are proposing to come to testify, provide records, if they have one. And we are ready to give them an objective assessment”.
Briefing for the Deputy-the fugitive: in the network appeared the new video featuring Onishchenko
TSN. 19:30
15 Dec, 21:25
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Internet-resource “Commentator” published technical video recorded before the interview with Alexander Onischenko. Two votes teach him what to say in order to appear a “victim of the tyrant” and not “partner Poroshenko, who escaped”. In the video, hear the voices of two men. One acts as the host, the other consultant. The last voice of the abstract and even specific words that the member must repeat.
Recall, December 6 nArda-fugitive Oleksandr Onishchenko has published the first audio recording with the dirt. Onishchenko gave the media a part of their music library. Namely, the recording of the conversation with the Deputy Oles Dovgy, who, according to Onishchenko, acted as a mediator in the negotiations between him and Poroshenko after the departure of the people’s Deputy of Ukraine.
Onishchenko told the British newspaper The Independent as “stoked” Yatsenyuk and corruption surrounded by Poroshenko. In particular, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine was planned by President Petro Poroshenko. The task was to discredit him in the media, and the constant protests. Media antikamnia lasted 10 months and each month she spent $ 3 million. Corruption surrounded by Poroshenko declared a fugitive of the people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko, the article says the British publication the Independent, says that to check the accuracy of the statements Onishchenko has failed.
Onishchenko also said that he gave the dirt on Poroshenko the US intelligence. Supposedly, during the meetings and recorded the conversations on a voice recorder built into a wristwatch.
The leader of Radical party Oleg Lyashko appealed to the NEB and the GPU with a request to check the dirt of people’s Deputy, the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko, the President Petro Poroshenko.
Onishchenko is suspected of organizing schemes to embezzlement of funds during the extraction and sale of natural gas in the framework of agreements on joint activities with JSC “Ukrgasdobycha”, which was caused to the state damage for the sum about 3 billion UAH.