The ingredients for Olivier fell
The ingredients for Olivier fell
A large portion of the family cost of 96 USD.
In comparison with last year the products on the salad, which is a traditional dish for Christmas and new year festive tables of Ukrainians fell by 5 UAH. Last year a large portion of salad for a family at a cost of 101 UAH, and this year – 96 UAH.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
Reporters bought food for the salad according to the traditional recipe, but with meat instead of sausage at the market in Kiev. Among the ingredients are two carrots, one onion, potatoes, eggs, pickles, mayonnaise and peas.
Well, in the new year, the intrigue around the costs of food will continue. Because the experiment with the abolition of state control over these prices, the Cabinet liked it. And intend to continue it. That is to allow prices to their fate and after January 1, 2017.
The dollar and the price of the new year, but experts have predicted the movement of the currency before the holidays
TSN. Week
Today, 22:00
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Today in the capital, selling the dollar was at 27,10 hryvnia, while the Euro fell: from 28.70 to 28.50 cents. Experts predicted further movement of the dollar before the holidays, and TSN conducted an experiment: how to change prices on Olivier compared to last year.