Contact fights on the arc Svetlodarsk are at a distance of 70 meters

Contact fights on the arc Svetlodarsk are at a distance of 70 meters
Only today and only in the eyes of journalists have taken three wounded.
The Ukrainian military entrenched in reclaimed from Pro-Russian mercenaries ‘positions on the arc Svetlodarsk. Contact where fighting is at a distance of 70 meters, according to a story TSN.16:45.
With advanced military say the battle is over a small piece of territory, where some 1.5 by 1.5 kilometres. The militants are trying to return to their positions, but to no avail. Most defenders of Ukraine bothers the enemy artillery. “There is a fight. The constant fight – sluggish moves into an active phase. Art works non-stop. Ours too, but, unfortunately, not to suppress their arts. I percentage I do not know, but a lot of artillery fire,” – said the fighter APU Anatoly Adamovsky.
Two dead and four wounded Ukrainians during the day in the area ATO
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:56
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Also headquarters of ATO confirmed that fierce battles on the arc Svetlodarsk one Ukrainian soldier was captured. More attacks recorded in the sector of “Mariupol. In Luhansk, the epicenter of the fighting was Popasnaya and its surroundings. In the sector of Donetsk under mortar fire hit the industrial area of Avdiivka.
In the eyes of journalists during the day with advanced on the ambulances took at least three wounded. Accurate casualty figures for the day will be known later, but now soldiers complain that the operation on the arc Svetlodarsk you can spend much more efficiently. “Organizations no. I’m like a soldier saying it was disorganized, ill-conceived” – say military.
As previously reported, on December 18 militants unleashed a fierce battle with the military forces of the antiterrorist operation in the area of Svetlodarsk arc, in the Donetsk region. Fighting lasted more than a day. Ukrainian military took the fight, threw the enemy forces and carried out a counterattack into the flank of the enemy. According to official figures, killed at least five Ukrainian military, another six were injured, ten people were wounded or injured. One Ukrainian soldier was taken prisoner of the enemy.
The TSN reporter Eugene Zvecanska