All restrictions for customers in PrivatBank removed – the new head

All restrictions for customers in PrivatBank removed – the new head
Shlapak assured that the Bank operates in the same mode as before the nationalization.
In PrivatBank removed all restrictionsthat have acted after the announcement of nationalization. This was stated in the river new Chairman of the Board of the Bank Oleksandr Shlapak, said in the story TSN.16:45.
He reassured customers that personal data will be under the same protection as before. “Today the decision of the Board, all these restrictions are removed. And all of our customers will be able to the end of the day to get a full set of services that was previously provided by PrivatBank. Unlocked will all correspondent accounts that have been of interest, and will work SWIFT system in the proper mode, will be given credit overdraft and so forth,” said Shlapak.
PrivatBank has lifted restrictions in force after the announcement of nationalization
TSN. 16:45
Today, 18:31
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This was stated by the new Chairman of the management Board of the Bank Oleksandr Shlapak in the river. He reassured customers that personal data will be as protected as before. On the eve announced the completion of the procedure of transfer Privat private to public ownership. New Board of financial institutions already operating, and the Supervisory Board. Its composition will be announced by the evening.
Before it was announced the completion of PrivatBank transition from private to public ownership. New Board of financial institutions already operating, and the Supervisory Board, its composition will be announced by the evening. It is known that it included two representatives from the state and the rest from international organizations, as well as industry experts. Thus, the Bank is trying to protect from political influence. The new managers of PrivatBank declare that will continue to support and develop the traditional products of the Bank and will start work with the state projects.