Gnome vs squirrels. What suits kievljane looking for in the New year

Gnome vs squirrels. What suits kievljane looking for in the New year
Christmas costumes© UNIAN
Some Ukrainians want to celebrate the holidays in unusual images like Prince Vladimir.
Search engine Yandex has studied search queries of the residents of Kiev and region about carnival costumes before the new year holidays – most popular images were the gnome and snowman.
Most people are trying to find photos of costumes, where to buy them or how to make your own hands. Less popular was the hire of the outfits.
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Top 10 popular fancy dress costumes in queries Kiev looks like: gnome , snowman, snowflake, snow maiden, Santa Claus, pirate, Bunny, star, angel and a squirrel.
People were looking for costumes with images of famous heroes of Hollywood movies and cartoons Pikachu, Harley Quinn, Hulk and Star wars characters. In the Network requested and the suit of the Ukrainian artist Jiji.
Among the unusual requests, the suit of Prince Vladimir, banana, lemur and Ukrainian ninja.
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