Happy opened new horizons for Ukraine in the corridor “Europe-Caucasus-Asia”

Happy opened new horizons for Ukraine in the corridor “Europe-Caucasus-Asia”
The deputies ratified the document, which increases the transit potential of Ukraine.
Thursday, December 22, the Verkhovna Rada ratified the Protocol of amendments to the agreement on international transport in the framework of the development of the corridor “Europe-Caucasus-Asia”.
Voted 241 MP. This was reported on the official site lie.
Also read: the Rada endorsed the opinion Savchenko in PACE delegation
“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Protocol on amendments to the Basic multilateral agreement on international transport for development of corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia, committed January 29, 2015 in Istanbul, which will enter into force 30 days after the Depositary of the fourth notification of fulfillment by the Parties of the internal procedures,” — said in the message.
Note that parties who previously signed the document, except for Ukraine, are Georgia, Tajikistan and Turkey.
So, the Protocol defines the responsible authorities of the parties that signed it, Poti sea port, LLC “Batumi sea port”, JSC “Georgian railway”, state enterprise “Roja of Ohani Tojikiston”, Turkish state Railways and Ukrzaliznytsia.
The document defines the requirements for Maritime carriers and ports, mainboard for bulging and rolling railcars and coordination of the volume and the list of goods in particular.
Incidentally, the bill was initiated by the President Petro Poroshenko.
Will also add that the results of studies of the English Institute “Randall” the coefficient of transit Ukraine ranks first in Europe.
Recall that in the same day, the Rada adopted the Law “On Amnesty in 2016,”which took into account the proposals of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Thus, the Law provides relief, particularly for minors, pregnant women, war veterans and combatants, parents of minors, the disabled, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and pensioners at the time of entry of this Law into force.