Shopping “revenge”. Ukraine for another year extended actions import duties on Russian goods

Shopping “revenge”. Ukraine for another year extended actions import duties on Russian goods
© Reuters
Russia charges Ukrainian goods increased duties.
The Cabinet adopted a decision to extend for a further year, until 31 December 2017, the actions of the rates of import duty on the import of goods manufactured in Russia. This is a kind of trading the “revenge” of Russia, which also requires Ukrainian goods increased duties, and also limits their transit through its territory.
“The decision was made in response to the introduction of the Russian Federation the appropriate trade prohibitions and restrictions in respect of Ukraine. From 1 January 2016 effective is the list of Ukrainian products, the importation of which is unilaterally levied customs duties rates of the Unified customs tariff of the EAEU. It should also be noted that the Russian Federation has suspended the Treaty on free trade zone within the CIS in relation to Ukraine”, – stated in the message of Ministry of economic development.
Renewal of import duties on Russian goods is part of the comprehensive countermeasures of economic aggression of Russia against Ukraine. In addition, Ukraine continues to demand the abolition of unlawful restrictive measures in the framework of the World trade organization.
Meanwhile, foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin announced a proposal from the foreign Ministry on the format of the visa regime between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.