The new head of “PrivatBank” told which Bank holds the Deposit and what amount

The new head of “PrivatBank” told which Bank holds the Deposit and what amount
Oleksandr Shlapak©
The Cabinet nationalized “PrivatBank” on December 18 and December 21 it the novel became a state.
The newly appointed Chairman of the Board of “PrivatBank” Oleksandr Shlapak today, December 22, commenced the performance of their duties. In the river, where is located the head office of the financial institution, at a briefing Shlapak said that holding your money in “PrivatBank”, which already worked before.
“I didn’t take your money. Moreover, God forbid, something happened, I have more than 200 thousand hryvnia Deposit, and I promise you that while I control the Bank, and in the future I’ll keep my money in “Private”, – said Shlapak.
He also said that today in the evening all the restrictions that were imposed “PrivatBank” regarding cash flow, will be removed. The corresponding decision has been adopted by the new Board of “PrivatBank”.
Note that from now on, the state guarantees 100% return of deposits in all state banks. Contributions to the “Oshchadbank” and further, 100 percent guaranteed by the government. In other banks up to 200 thousand UAH guarantees the Deposit guarantee Fund of individuals. anything over 200 thousand UAH – guaranteed by the government. This rule in particular applies to nationalised “PrivatBank”.
We will remind, on the nationalization of “PrivatBank” became known late on Sunday evening, December 18. Wednesday, December 21, the financial institution officially became a state property. The Ministry of Finance bought “PrivatBank” Deposit guarantee Fund of natural persons for a symbolic one hryvnia.
The transition period lasted for 72 hours. Monday, December 19, the head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva said that “Privat” is classified as insolvent. According to her, the Bank’s capital deficit was 116 billion UAH, and 97% of the corporate loan portfolio was distributed to companies related to shareholders. This “hole”, the state plans to close the bond issue Treasury bonds. The first tranche of securities of 43 billion UAH will be released before the end of the year.