In the KCSA and the police announced the first version of the tragedy with a tap

In the KCSA and the police announced the first version of the tragedy with a tap
© Photo by Valeria Kovalinsky/TSN
One person dead, two in serious condition hospitalized.
In the Dneprovsky district of Kiev suspended the construction of the complex arrested the Builder Wojciechowski fell construction crane. As a result, one person died and two were hospitalized, according to a story TSN.19:30.
A woman living in one of the sections of the unfinished house, says he heard a loud roar and looked out of the window of the apartment. “Fell the carousel, climbs on tap. Look: a corpse lying on the construction site. And on top of two of the victims. One got caught by the leg and hung,” says the witness Galina Kolodyuk.
In Kiev as a result of an accident at a construction site killed man
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:17
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Two in serious condition in the hospital. In the Dneprovsky district of Kiev suspended the construction of the complex arrested the Builder Wojciechowski fell construction crane. Two workers are stuck on the ground tap 60-meter height. They were got by rescuers. The police finds out circumstances of the tragedy.
Two workers are stuck on the ground tap 60-meter height. They were got by rescuers. “The guys using the equipment took two victims. I think the problem is related to the violation of safety and fastening technology of tower crane”, – said the head of the Department of emergency KSCA Roman Tkachuk.
Victims are 30 and 36 years old was hospitalized to the emergency hospital in a serious condition with polytrauma. The deceased was 50 years. The police say that it was an accident. The investigators will find out all circumstances of the tragedy. Representatives of the developer not comment on the situation.
The TSN reporter Valeria Kovalinskaya