The operator TSN has suffered during the “showdown” at the Kharkov array due to the Mafs

The operator TSN has suffered during the “showdown” at the Kharkov array due to the Mafs
Unknown with the fire extinguisher attacked the crew
Another fight for small architectural forms. In the Kharkov area in the capital, unknown persons in camouflage in the night, tried to demolish the kiosks, says TSN.12.00.
Entrepreneurs came to the defense of their property, although the demolition process is still ongoing. Arrived at the scene, law enforcement officers, but they are mostly observed in the conflict did not intervene.
According to the journalist of TSN Stanislaus Feshchenko, which is now on the scene, the confrontation continues, however, the situation calmed down a bit.
The peak of the exacerbation was about 11:10. Entrepreneurs have set fire to their barricade, the boys in green went on the offensive, both sides used stones, drucci and fire extinguishers. There is information about several lightly wounded, they came to the ambulance and provided assistance.
In the morning with the fire extinguisher people in green who are not represented, also attacked a film crew of TSN, the chemicals from the fire extinguisher got into the eyes of the operator, he had to provide medical assistance.
The bulldozers destroyed the buildings, now pick up the hardware and load on the machine. The police who arrived in full riot gear, monitoring the situation. Entrepreneurs retreated to the Mafs, which still survived. At the moment, carried only a third, the other two-thirds are, they are now closed.
Fight over an attempt by unknown in camouflage to demolish the stalls in the Kharkov array Kiev
TSN. Wounds
Today, 12:32
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The intensification of the conflict occurred on the morning: young people went on the offensive, and entrepreneurs have set fire to their barricade. Both sides used stones and fire extinguishers.