Influential people’s Deputy from BPP Kononenko met in Vienna with ex-Minister Yanukovych times journalist

Influential people’s Deputy from BPP Kononenko met in Vienna with ex-Minister Yanukovych times journalist
Yesterday, 23:49
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Igor Kononenko
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© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
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© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
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© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
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© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
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© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
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23 December 2016 Igor Kononenko were absent in Parliament
© The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine
Igor Kononenko
© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
© Olga Vasilevskaya / Facebook
23 December 2016 Igor Kononenko were absent in Parliament
© The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine
The meeting was held in the restaurant Plachutta.
Yesterday, on December 24, the restaurant Plachutta in Vienna, Austria, the people’s Deputy, first Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary faction of the party “Block Petro Poroshenko,” a member of the parliamentary Committee on fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety Igor Kononenko met with the owner of Ukraine’s largest gas company Burisma, ex-Minister of ecology and natural resources, which at the time was declared wanted, Nikolai Zlochevsky.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote the journalist of TSN Olga Vasilevskaya.
Dnia tried to take comments from Kononenko, Zlochevsky, their assistants or the environment relative to the purpose of the meeting. However, neither one of them has failed to contact and confirm or deny the information.
Note that Kononenko on Friday was not in Parliament. At least, this is evidenced by the data of the website of the Parliament. In particular, at 11:02 MPs voted to support the request of people’s Deputy Yurii-Bohdan Shukhevych to the President of Ukraine regarding the removal of stamp “not to be published” and cancel all classified normative-legal acts of the President of Ukraine, which established the illegal pension benefits for former people’s deputies of the USSR and the Soviet Union, the former first secretaries of regional committees of the Communist party of Ukraine and the like, and members of their families, which calculate pensions on the basis of the official salary of a Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. This decision received the required number of votes, because many lawmakers did not vote, and the rest was absent in the session hall. Among the missing and Igor Kononenko.
The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine
23 December 2016 Igor Kononenko were absent in Parliament
We will remind, Mykola Zlochevsky was Minister of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine from July 2010 to April 2012. 27 Nov 2014 the Prosecutor General instituted criminal proceedings against Zlochevsky. The reason for the investigation of suspected criminal schemes of evasion from payment of taxes in especially large sizes. Property Zlochevsky, namely, two cottages, two plots of land, premises with an area of 922 sq m and the car Rolls-Royse Phantom was arrested, but at the end of January 2015, the Pechersky court of Kiev cancelled the decision. Later the Appellate court of Kyiv withdrew the arrest from the accounts of the company Pari gas holding Burisma Zlochevsky. Pechersk district court of Kyiv ordered the Prosecutor General to decide on the termination of the investigation Zlochevsky. The decision to discontinue the national investigation Zlochevskiy took the Department for investigation of particularly important cases in the field of Economics, the GPU 20 Sep 2016. Later information about the search of disappeared from the training base of the Ministry of internal Affairs.
In late October, the head of the Department of special investigations of the Prosecutor General Sergei Gorbatyuk told how he was almost selected cases according to the ex-Minister of incomes and fees of Yanukovych Alexander Klimenko, Zlochevsky and “towers quickly” and suggested that the purpose of the pressure on him is the establishment of control over economic production.
“In June we referred the case against Zlochevsky, and a month was taken,” – said Gorbatyuk.
The case has allegedly taken “in connection with the ineffective investigation”.
KASKO told about “tricks” with the case of ex-Minister Zlochevsky
22 Feb, 12:56
Former Deputy attorney General remembered how he surprised the British judge that the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s office rather cooperates with lawyers, than with them.
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The anti-corruption Bureau interrogated Igor Kononenko
TSN. Pdsmi day
February 11, 23:45
The people’s Deputy from Blok Petro Poroshenko said he was ready to cooperate with the investigation and even to be tested on a lie detector. The interrogation lasted less than an hour. Kononenko does not comment on the process because he was warned about nondisclosure.
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