Stop in the trees, in the middle of Kiev at the truck at full speed and no brakes

Stop in the trees, in the middle of Kiev at the truck at full speed and no brakes
Only by miracle has done without victims.
In the capital, a 30-ton truck was unable to stop the descent. According to the driver, he wanted to slow down before traffic lights, but the pedal just stopped reacting, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The man tried to avoid a collision and began to send the car to the sidewalk. First, the truck collided with a pillar, but never stopped. Then the car flew down, uprooted a tree that crushed it under itself – and it’s a little restrained, so stop heavy giant could the next tree. From bumps the wheels turned out, the cab badly damaged, but fortunately, has done without victims. At the time of braking on the trees pedestrians was not there, and the driver serious injuries were received, however, is in a state of shock.
On the same day in Kiev in Havana bridge accident. In the Toyota, who was standing at the traffic lights at a red light, flew Daewoo.
The 30-ton truck’s brakes failed on one of the slopes of Kiev
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:48
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The driver wanted to slow down before traffic lights, but the pedal just stopped reacting. The young man tried to avoid the collision and began to send the car to the sidewalk. There were no casualties, at the time of braking on the trees pedestrians were not. The driver of serious damages have not received.