MPs can change the law on the preferential duties on foreign cars

MPs can change the law on the preferential duties on foreign cars
The Parliament is offered to open the Ukrainian market for used cars from Europe.
Reduced excise duties for cars, which in the summer took Pleased, the majority of Ukrainians did not have the opportunity to buy a car much cheaper than before. This stems from the huge number of requirements, including the obligation to travel abroad to purchase and certification Euro 5, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Still on the Ukrainian roads go 2 million rarities – cars released prior to 1990. Replace them with the new Ukrainians often can’t because it’s expensive. The old stuff could be replaced by inexpensive European cars, but the clearance of such cars in Ukraine raises their cost by half. Someone still buys and drives a car with foreign registration, however, it is becoming increasingly difficult, given the demands often cross the border and queue at border points.
The Ukrainians were never able to buy a car cheaper due to reduced excise taxes
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:46
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Reduced excise tax for used cars that summer passed, the Council, the majority of Ukrainians are still not allowed to buy a car much cheaper than before. The reason – a huge number of requirements. This mandatory certification Euro 5 and requirement to go abroad, to buy cars. All these rules, confident MPs, prevented the law is really social, so I suggest to cancel them.
In the summer Rada adopted the law on the reduction of excise made only a step towards the Ukrainians, but in General the problem is not solved. Exemptions apply to cars not older than 2010 model year, and it automatically weeds out the cheap models. Therefore, in the Parliament now want to correct the situation and abolish the strict rules that the law became truly social. It will legalize all the cars with foreign registration, reduce grounds for corruption and congestion at the borders. But the requirement will be passing the maintenance.
The authors of the bill say that sales of new vehicles , this does not affect the poor drivers on a new car and so it is not lumped. But for the environment will benefit because most of Soviet cars cause harm to the environment is significantly greater than the 10-year-old cars. The issue of security of the Ukrainians themselves, drivers and passengers will be solved in a positive way. Daily in road accidents killed 12 citizens of our state, and are not always to blame for violations of the rules or bad roads. Often this is a faulty car, to replace or repair that people just don’t have that, or the lack of security tools available in relatively new cars.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Romanyuk