The police handed over two Bank managers suspected of embezzlement of UAH 80 million
The police handed over two Bank managers suspected of embezzlement of UAH 80 million
© Reuters
The President-owner of the Bank and seized another gun collection.
Employees of the Department to protect the economy of the Main investigation Department of national police of Ukraine jointly with the State service for financial monitoring of Ukraine proved the involvement of the President and the Chairman of the Board of a Bank to embezzlement of assets of UCHREZHDENIE (the amount of damage previously reaches 80 million UAH), it is declared suspicion.
According to the Department of protection of economy of Ukraine, in 2014 officials provided loans to fictitious companies, means legalized through controlled businesses. In particular, the fictitious enterprises were given loans on the security of property, the cost of which was inflated tenfold.
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According to preliminary data, the amount of damage caused to the guarantee Fund of individuals ‘ deposits reached 80 million, the final amount of damage is determined.
The President, who was one of the owners of the Bank, investigators of the Main investigation Department of national police reported a suspicion under part 3 of article 27, part 5 article 191 (assignment, waste of property or taking to them by abuse of official position) and part 3 of article 209 (legalization of incomes received by a criminal way) the Criminal code of Ukraine and the Chairman of the Board, under part 5 of article 191 of the criminal code of Ukraine.
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In addition, during the investigative search actions the President-owner of the Bank seized a collection of weapons.
The final amount of damage is currently set to.