Vietnamese spent 18 years with scissors in the stomach

Vietnamese spent 18 years with scissors in the stomach
Tool forgot there surgeons during surgery.
Vietnamese surgeons pulled out of the patient a toolthat they themselves forgot there many years ago. 54-year-old man went to the doctors with complaints of acute abdominal pain, according to a story TSN.19:30.
During the x-ray in the body of the patient found the shear length of 15 centimeters. They were there since 1998, when the man was operated on after a car accident. For the mistake the doctors apologized, but to find and punish the perpetrators do not promise, because the scissors had been in the stomach for three years longer than the stored medical records.
Earlier it was reported that the Argentine spent six months suffering from constant pain and fever. Subsequently, the surgeon found in a patient’s heart with a toothpick.
Vietnamese surgeons pulled out of the men a pair of scissors, which they forgot there 18 years ago
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:41
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54-year-old man went to the doctors with complaints of acute abdominal pain. While x-ray lost and found. The shear length of 15 cm has been in his body since 1998, when the man was operated on after a car accident. For their mistake, the doctors apologized, but to find and punish the perpetrators do not promise, because the scissors had been in the patient’s abdomen three years longer than the stored medical records.