Best coubs with Obama and Instagram of a girl who has lost 63 pounds. Trends Network

Best coubs with Obama and Instagram of a girl who has lost 63 pounds. Trends Network

Matilda Broberg©

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Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.

Today, 13 January, the Network was admiring a photo student from Denmark Matilda Broberg, who managed to lose 63 pounds and become a model of sportswear.

The popularity gained and Instagram chanterelles named Ayla that was saved from a fur farm. The animal now lives with a wonderful family and even travels.

TSN.ia gathered for users of a selection of the best kobv with Barack Obama, who will soon leave the post of President of the United States.


