Lavrov says that Ukraine’s problems will not disappear after resuming control over the Donbas

Return Donbass under the control of Ukrainian authorities Ukraine’s problems will not be solved.

This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, writes “TASS”.

“If someone hopes that Ukraine’s problems can be solved simply by resuming complete control of the current regime in the Donbass – it is a utopia, it is understood by all in Europe, including Paris, Berlin and Brussels and Washington is also understood, began to understand even under the previous administration,” he said.

According to Lavrov, no one questioned the viability of, and no alternative to the Minsk agreements.

“This is not a figure of speech, is a homespun really not the best idea. Therefore, the delegation of authority in full compliance with the Minsk agreements and will not go away will not work,” he added.

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to use his influence on separatists in Eastern Ukraineto stop the violence there. The two leaders agreed that efforts should be made to cease fire in the Donbass, and asked the foreign Ministers and their advisers work closely together.

