The fighter, which the doctors declared hopeless, he has already learned to sit and felt his legs

The power of the spirit. Life bedridden – that was the doctors 24-year-old soldier Mikhail Shore. In the battle for Debalcevo of trench-mortar fragments, he broke the spine and spinal cord. But Michael is already sitting, learned to move around in a wheelchair and he had feeling in his legs, says TSN.12.00.

On the threshold of his house Michael Shore welcomes volunteers who brought him the gun for training and a wheelchair.

Guests are invited to a own the gym. Here the fighter is trying to master his body, which after being wounded under Debaltsevo refused to serve him. Fragments killed the spine and spinal cord in several places.

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Songs of the war. In Lviv fighter ATO sang along with the American singer

“Came the doctor who operated on me. I told him the direct question asked: I will go? And he says: “unfortunately, a severe wound it was, you can’t go, even sit can not” – says the fighter .

Michael refused to believe and began to train. Despite forecasts of doctors after three months, the villages, learned to move in a wheelchair and met her – Natasha.

“That walking that the stroller was not for me. What he could do, that people on foot can’t. Just a soul he was so open that I even was afraid of nothing,” says the wife of Michael.

Love gave us strength. The young couple together now doing everything to fulfill the biggest dream of a wounded soldier to walk again and to go.

All devices equipped in the usual rural house gym fighter was presented by volunteers. Michael is practicing here for four hours a day.

