Under the watchful eye of prosecutors: BP opened simultaneously with the searches of one of the deputies

The opening of the new parliamentary session began with a scandal: deputies are unable to take even schedule their own work. How not to persuade fellow speaker Andrew paruby to work more actively in the session hall, the response was never received, so the deputies were forced to take up the bills left from last session, says the story TSN.19:30.

At the solemn performance of the Anthem of Ukraine male Capella named after Revutsky arrived the whole Cabinet of Ministers, headed by Vladimir Groisman. Died fighting at the front, the deputies observed a minute of silence. Then the speaker Andriy Parubiy reminded the deputies about the need to go to the meeting of the Parliament, and not to engage in private business during working hours. And when the opening ceremony of the sixth session ended, the deputies pulled into the corridors and canteen.

