In Ukraine increased the number of counterfeit 500-hryvnia banknotes

Last year in Ukraine the number of counterfeit hryvnia was almost at the level of 2015, but slightly increased the number of counterfeit 500 UAH.

About it reported in a press-service of the national Bank.

“Today, modern system of protection of national currency is on the same level with the protection systems leading currencies of the world and the situation of counterfeit banknotes of the national currency remains under control. So in 2016, 1 million piece of real banknotes of hryvnia had about 2.8 pieces of counterfeit banknotes”, – stated in the message.

It is also noted that in General, among the counterfeit banknotes in 2016, the prevailing denominations of UAH 500 (38,38%), 50 UAH (of 25.92%), 100 UAH (of 20.52%) and 200 UAH (9,20%) and others (5,99%), respectively.

The national Bank of Ukraine

According to the national Bank, most counterfeit banknotes are produced using inkjet and laser printers, however have also been withdrawn from circulation UAH 500 2006, manufactured by printing method with a similar to original imitation of individual security features.

Separately, the regulator has stressed that in the EU, for comparison, at the end of 2016 indicator is “fake” banknotes accounted for approximately 36 pieces of counterfeit Euro banknotes per 1 million piece of real.

The national Bank of Ukraine

We will remind, earlier the national Bank announced the introduction of the new 1,000-hryvnia banknotes. The intrigue about who might be depicted on the banknote, is still preserved.

