Efremov behind bars: the camera is 4 meters, boots and frankness about Yanukovych. Exclusive to TSN

CEN-regions Alexander Efremov released from the chamber, but only in the courtroom. Now during the trial of the former MP, who is accused of infringement of territorial integrity of Ukraine, will sit next to their lawyers, as such, according to lawyers, is the practice of the European court of human rights, their client became the first Ukrainian to which it was applied, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Outside court, a former associate of Yanukovych, continues to be in the camera Starobelsk SIZO. It is located on the third floor of the prison, which the local inhabitants called “the penthouse”. The cell Windows overlook the city. Journalists, former regional meets in the warm jacket, pants and boots. And immediately apologizes: “Sorry about the apartment, but here they are.”