Merkel urged Russia to unite with Europe to fight against the “Islamic state”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Russia to join the fight against terrorists.
The leader of the country said during a security conference in Munich.
Merkel acknowledged that while the relationship between Europe and Russia remain challenging, reports Reuters.
“The joint fight against Islamic terrorism is one of those spheres where we have common interests and where we can work together,” explained the Chancellor.
Merkel, who spoke against the ban of the President of the United States regarding the entry of Muslims into the country, stressed that Islam is not the source of terrorism. The politician attentional attention to the fact that it is very important to connect the struggle of the Muslim state.
We will remind that on Saturday, February 18 in Munich hosts the annual conference on security, which was visited by the newly appointed Vice-President Mike Pence. According to him, the United States will continue to engage Russia accountable for the events in the East of Ukraine despite the request of President Donald trump to find new ground for cooperation with Russia in the beginning of his presidency.