The first woman of the Heavenly Hundred: relatives still searching for the truth about the death from Kiev-pensioner

Ukraine commemorates the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, among them the first woman killed in the capital in the winter of 2014. Pensioner Antonina Dvorianets fall under the hands of rabid riot police, who beat her to death, but to punish the perpetrators is not enough witnesses of those terrible events, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The family still does not know even the exact place of death of 61-year-old woman. Her daughter saw the barricade, however it there could bring, and how it really was – nobody yet knows. Husband Ivan Grigorevich remembers that the mother of two children and grandmother of three granddaughters couldn’t sit at home when the country was in danger. “When we saw on TV how beat up students, we are bright and early in the morning my wife was already there,” he recalls. On independence, the family met and the New year, and went there every day during heavy winter days. Was no exception and on February 18 – one of the bloodiest days of the revolution of Dignity. Night mobile Antonina called the stranger and said that it is no more.