Ukrainians in the payment for heat is charged a fee for neighborhood square meters

Thousands of Ukrainians don’t know what to do with an unaffordable payment system for heating. Because even in a relatively warm December people received bills with amounts from a few thousand to 10 thousand hryvnia for small apartments. And this despite the fact that the house is barely warm.

This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.

So who and how to steal the heat? Instead of waiting until officials are still dealing with a cunning scheme tariffs, the journalists decided to see how to defend themselves.

Of the house takes the heat along with the money of Ukrainians through non-insulated walls – annually upto 6 thousand hryvnias. When the cold roof another 5 thousand UAH. Through the Windows is blown out 3 thousand UAH.

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Tariffs Rotterdam. After blocking of coal from the Donbass got up a Grand Scam

It turns out that can significantly increase utility bills and the neighbor. If he had insulated himself balcony, brought in some batteries and this unrecorded area is paid by all residents of an apartment building with a common meter. And when out in the yard and built the shop illegally and crashed into the system, then for the square footage pay sometimes also residents of the house.

Journalist Natalia Yarmola, which explore this subject, found in one house of 6 apartments which are additionally paid as much as 300 square meters of heated area. How to find such holes and if you have already found how to achieve justice, see detail on the video.

Ukrainians are advised to look at the houses of neighbors, has not established whether a few panels on the balcony, or the owner of the office or shop on the ground floor. The first step is checking the thermal imager, the second – on that will count the heated area. Only in Kiev over the past few weeks so caring counted 48 thousand payroll. This before the Ukrainians were not interested, as to heat from a neighbor. But with the advent of house counter one at all – or should meet and decide everything is true, or to pay for the neighbor’s own thousand hryvnia.

