In Ukraine cheaper drugs against hepatitis C

Today, February 22, the Ministry of health of Ukraine and the us biopharmaceutical company Gilead signed a settlement agreement.

It is reported by the head of the Ministry of health Suprun in his Facebook.

This agreement and the Gilead guarantee that prices for programs on public procurement will be $ 250 per dose “Savoldi”.

“Unlike European countries, where the treatment of “Cavaldi” tens of thousands of dollars for Ukraine, a similar course will cost $ 750. According to the monitoring of patient organizations drug “Cavaldi” is already on sale in the drugstores for the price of 10 UAH 250, while the generics, which was previously available on the market is 15 UAH 001. This is a true #win for Ukrainian patients, because of available drugs mean more lives saved!”, – according to Suprun.

According to her, the price offered by the company in the framework of the global Programme of access to medicines (Global Access Program), to which Ukraine was incorporated in July 2016.

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The Dnieper brought sick children from the zone of differentiation: at home to treat them to no one

We will remind, on the outskirts of Kiev, the river of sewage causes an epidemic of hepatitis among citizens. Effluents contaminate the ground water and in the summer the infectious disease Department replenished patients, by several people per week received hepatitis A.

