Idun in Parliament. In a half-empty Parliament brought a toy meme

Today, February 24, during the session of the Verkhovna Rada in the session hall appeared Idun.

The toy in the manner of the famous meme brought the MP Borislav Birch. He wrote on Facebook that instead of the 322 registered parliamentarians in the hall are not more than 150, and Idun waiting for the attendance of the deputies and of the government.

See also:

Waiting For Iduna. In the river can be a statue with the famous meme

“He, like most Ukrainians, waiting for the visit and the work of MPs. And is looking forward to qualitative changes from the Cabinet. Patience at him a lot. Time too. What can be said about Ukraine”, – stated in the message of Birch.

MP Birch came to Parliament with Pochekunin

— Serhii Andrushko (@S_Andrushko) 24 Feb 2017

Anton Hoja/Facebook

Recall, a new meme has filled the pages of the social networking users create funny photoshopped pics with a picture of Iduna (Pochekina).

A strange creature resembling a seal and an elephant at the same time, was created by a sculptor from the Netherlands named Margriet. For the manufacture of an unusual character inspired by her, the burden of waiting in lines. The sculpture was nicknamed Idun and turned into a new meme.

