In Kiev vets accused of “roasting” of the cat after surgery

The owner of a cat of breed Sphinx accuses doctors of one of the Metropolitan veterinary clinics in the animal’s death. To save the animal in another medical establishment has failed, says the story TSN.19:30.
The cat gave the treatment with suspected urolithiasis. After the operation he decreased the temperature, so the animal was kept on an electrical heating pad. The appearance of redness on the skin, the hostess took it as a drug Allergy, however, a few days after discharge, the cat started dying off some parts of the body – the tail, paws. Vets from another clinic suggested that the necrosis resulted in inappropriately applied or discovered antibiotics burns of 2-3 degrees and sepsis. To save the cat failed. The treatment is the hostess spent 12 thousand hryvnia, and now plans to sue the doctors who to burn “fried” on graceee animal after surgery and made a mistake with the antibiotics.