The “nyash myash” Poklonskaya said that in the Crimea zamirotochila bust of Nicholas II

Former “Prosecutor” of the annexed Crimea and “MP” illegitimate state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya said that on the Peninsula zamirotochila bust of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

According to her, it happened on the morning of 3 March in the square near the building of Prosecutor’s office in Simferopol.

See also:

The Russians have the right to laugh. In Russia has registered a petition for permission Poklonskaya bullshit

“People come in with children to make them, to heal children who are sick… It is a miracle that can not explain neither the scientists, nobody. And it’s to the centennial anniversary (of the murder of Nicholas and his family – Ed.)”, said Polonskaya in the air, “Tsargrad”TV.

“The Emperor helps us, you know. They died in order to make Russia a prosperous and great”, she said.

See also:

Have not watched the film, but wanted to check. Poklonsky worried the new film about Nicholas II

It is no secret that Russia has great respect for the Emperor. So much so, that on a March “Immortal regiment” dedicated to those who died in world war II, came with an icon of Nicholas II.

