Nasirova have hypertension, a medical emergency does not require – the Institute of cardiology

The head of the DFS of the Roman Nasirov diagnosed with hypertension stage II, high risk. As of March 4, urgent assistance is not needed.

This is evidenced by the revised conclusion of the Institute of cardiology named after Strazhesko about the health Nasirov, given after receiving medical records from the hospital Feofaniya, who was at the disposal of “Ukrainian truth”.

See also:

Second attempt: the court chooses a measure of restraint Nasirova. Online stream

In conclusion, given that the stabilization of blood pressure, the patient can continue treatment on an outpatient basis.

Ukrainian Pravda

During a court session on election Nasirova measure, which is happening today on March 5, the prosecution submitted an opinion regarding a medical condition Nasirov, however, it is unknown whether the same document.

The defense in court thanked the Prosecutor for the document, however, expressed disagreement with some of its points.

Incidentally, in the document, read in court, stating that the stabilization of blood pressure Nasirov may participate in the hearing, but lawyers point out that the conclusion does not say that the state Nasirov really stabilized.

