In Ukraine a chance to enter the European jewellery market with amber

To storm the European market for Ukraine can pass with sun – amber. As proved by international jewellery exhibition “Amber trip” in Vilnius, Europeans want to buy Ukrainian and is willing to promote it.

This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.

One condition to be a legal catch. Transparency fundamental for Europeans as a guarantee that the partner will not cheat. And Ukraine, an additional benefit, because the legal cooperation implies not only production but also the primary processing of amber. That is, Ukraine will be able to sell it more expensive.

And the chance is already there. Because after a fight and shooting between the diggers local authorities in Volyn has created a utility that has already received permission for a legal amber extraction. The principle is simple: the profit is distributed between anteriolateral and local budget. To help in this decentralization, which is so hard to support the government. And since produce precious stone and your on their land, then do it carefully, do not leave behind a former “lunar landscapes”.

