The moments of laughter in court over Nasirov: comparison with Christ and the dream of “the garden near the hut”

The panel of judges of Kyiv court of Appeals upheld the previous decision of Solomensky court about the arrest of the head of the DFS of the Roman Nasirov for 60 days and the Deposit of 100 million hryvnia. During the process, it rejected a motion to withdraw the defendant from the glass chamber, after which the lawyers resorted to arguments from the field of philosophy, and he Nasirov laugh present romantic dream, says the story TSN.19:30.
“We know from the history to the 37th year of the last century. Two thousand years ago, also called on – crucify him! And the Procurator crucified. Several hundred people now demand to crucify Nasirov,” said the lawyer, causing laughter in the audience. However, the lawyer continued juggling of historical images. “The ancient Romans once said that society needs bread and circuses. We see here those who want circuses!”, – said the representative of protection.