The Ministry of regional development wants to punish the authors of the project of the Postal square in Kiev

The Ministry of regional development is going to hold discussions with the responsible persons involved in the design and construction of the Postal square in Kiev.
This was announced by the Deputy Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services Leo Partskhaladze, reports ABC News Ukraine.
According to him, the Ministry is unhappy that the area was very uncomfortable to visit low-mobility groups of the population.
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“On the square there is no ramp, only steps. Why make such an area? The architect, in our opinion, had no right to design, because there are clear rules DBN (DBN V. 2.2-17:2006 buildings and structures. Accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility – ed.)”, – said the Deputy Minister.
Partskhaladze said that to invite to a special meeting in the Ministry plan of the architect, client, Builder and the person who did the examination. The relevant meeting will be held next month, it will participate the representatives of limited mobility groups of population.
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“I want to understand why it happened and to ask: “where is DBN”, – explained the official.
The regional development Ministry did not specify the names of those who “call on the carpet”. To install them will be difficult already for the reason that in the process of reconstruction of the Postal square, the participants of the project were changed several times. In addition, when in July 2012, the Metropolitan Council has considered the project of reconstruction of the Postal square (one of the architects Victor Petruk and Victor Sudorgina, the second of the Institute “Kievdormostproekt”, the customer was made by a structural subdivision of “kievavtodor” KP “Management of construction of road facilities in Kiev”), it was found that by the time construction work on the area was conducted for several days without any project.
We will remind, in Kiev trolleybuses earned a free Internet. Now to connect to the Wi-Fi in the bus №5, 6, 18, 25, 28, 33, 35, 41. About it reports a press-service KP “Kyivpastrans.”
According to the press service, passengers can get free network access transport, which has a sticker “Free wifi”. It is noted that the project was specially selected some of the longest trolleybus routes of the KP “Kyivpastrans”, which runs in the Central part of the city.