Turchinov told about the overlap of the paths to the occupied Donbass forces of the police and the national guard

NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov said that today, Wednesday, March 15, on the implementation of the NSDC decision until 13:00 all roads and railway lines that lead to the demarcation line, will be blocked by the forces of national police and national guard.
About this Turchynov said in his comments to the press.
See also:
Criticism of the Garden and a complete ban of trade with ORDO. About it Poroshenko said at the NSDC meeting
“On the implementation of the NSDC decision by the National police and the National guard today to 13:00 for any freight transportation all roads and railway lines that lead to the demarcation line will be closed,” he said.
According to Turchynov, in the zone of the ATO will not allow any provocation or sabotage activities.
“The Ministry of internal Affairs, SBU, will attract the public for help, but it’s not judged, not the provocateurs, and those that really wants to help the state to ensure full control on the implementation of the NSDC decision”, — said Secretary of the NSDC.
“I want to say to all patriots: who wants to defend Ukraine, please, sign contracts and join the ranks of the Armed forces or NSU” — summed Turchinov.
See also:
Blockade welcomed the security Council decision to prohibit trade with the militants in the Donbas
We will remind, at an emergency meeting of the Council was the decision on termination of trading with the occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. However, the decision does not apply to those businesses that are under jurisdiction of Ukraine and pay taxes in the budget.
Note, as of March 15, the railway blockade in the Donbass continues for day 59. Trains with coal from militant-controlled territories do not pass activists, because I consider it unacceptable to trade with the invaders. Their requirement is not only to stop the trade, but also to formally consolidate the territories controlled by the aggressor, the status of the occupied.