Zubko told how to reduce the cost of gas for Ukrainians

The cost of gas for the population and the consumption can be reduced if several conditions are fulfilled.
This was stated by Vice Prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services Gennady Zubko.
“The first direction is to create a gas market. Because now there is a monopoly for 15 million households. It is necessary to create competition,” he said during an Hour of questions to the government.
According to Zubko, the second direction is the reform of energy efficiency.
“Its meaning is to realize three key objectives: the creation of responsible homeowners; running the tool that will allow you to assess the condition of housing, to make the accounting and to create a system that obliges the provider to provide quality service to the consumer, and support of utility companies, which are now in difficult conditions”, – said the Minister.
In addition, he assured that the implementation of energy efficiency measures will contribute to the adoption of laws on housing and communal services on commercial accounting of energy efficiency of buildings.
According to Zubko, each of the proposed steps are additional tools that will allow consumers to save energy.
We will remind, earlier the Cabinet of Ministers amended the decree on the formation of prices for natural gas for population and religious organizations. Now the cost will be revised twice, on 1 April and 1 October.
The document notes that from 1 may 2016 until 31 March 2017, Naftogaz buys gas at 4849 UAH per thousand cubic meters. Retail price for the population from may last year is 6879 UAH per thousand cubic meters. For industrial consumers from March 1 the cost will be UAH 8553,6 price in February – 9214,8 UAH.
Meanwhile, chief commercial officer of the group of Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko recently suggested that from April 1 gas for the population could increase by 40%. In response, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman said that the increase will not be.