The national Commission decided not to lower wholesale electricity prices and said the price hike

From 1 April the wholesale market rate for electricity instead of the previously planned reduction of 5.8% on the contrary may grow by 1%.
New price until the end of 2017 can be 1354,98 UAH per MW/h (without VAT). The relevant draft decision published on the website of the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in spheres of power and utilities (NKREKU), and will consider it at the meeting on March 23.
Head Dmitry NKREKU wolf explained the need to increase the shortage of coal for electricity production. So coal will have to buy abroad at a higher price.
“Certainly today there is a shortage of coal (and natural gas) and the need to buy abroad at a price up to $ 100 per ton and even more relevant bringing its own production to the needs of the country, which may not be free, as “the Ukrainian gas production,” – said Vovk.
In the draft decision of the national Commission stated that TPP and CHP for electricity production will need 26 million 541 thousand tons of coal before the end of the year. Of these, 5.6 million tons is imported.
During the week, the national Commission will make proposals for a new tariff and the system of its formation.
Recall, March 1, in Ukraine increased the cost of electricity for the population.