“Squall” against “Stiletto”. In the Zhytomyr region experienced the latest combat modules for BMP

On military training ground in Zhytomyr region staged the trial of combat module “Squall” and “Stiletto” are for arms deeply modernized BMP.
About it reports a press-service of “Ukroboronprom”.
Experts analyzed the accuracy, speed and efficiency of each firing module. Through the tests, you can choose the best according to all parameters of the combat module for future use on the BMP. Your final word should be said in the defense Ministry.
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“Combat module “Squall” is equipped with 30-mm gun ZTM-1 automatic grenade launcher, 7.62 mm machine gun and guided missile armament, which is designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles at a distance up to 5 km At the same time, combat unit “Stiletto” was equipped with the cannon ZTM-2, enhanced reservation and the same set of weapons”, – stated in the message.
For precision functioning of combat units meet the new digital sighting systems OTS-20.04-01, combat module “Squall” and “Track-2-01” in combat module “Stet”. Both complexes are equipped with a laser range finder and thermal imager, however, use different algorithms to control fire.
Once selected, a defense of a particular module and the formation of the order, “Ukroboronprom” is ready to launch production of the deeply modernized infantry fighting vehicles to equip the Ukrainian army to a certain extent, noted in the company.
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“This will greatly enhance the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian army, which will have actually a new infantry fighting vehicles, equipped with modern digital fire control system, with a powerful Arsenal of weapons and is part of deep modernization of the BMP, by the installation of the Deutz engine, increasing protection and means of concealment, including in the infrared range”, – summed up in “Ukroboronprom”.
We will remind, earlier in a Network there was video of the test of the Ukrainian anti-tank missiles, which can hit targets at a distance of 5 km and they All hit right on target.