The Deposit guarantee Fund told when to return money to customers “platinum Bank”

Thursday, March 23, clients of “platinum Bank” will pay guaranteed amounts of deposits.
About it reported in a press-service of Fund of guaranteeing deposits of individuals, Recalling that the March 21 decision of the Executive Directorate.
“Payment of the guaranteed amount of compensation at the augmented General registry “platinum Bank” will begin from March 23,” – said in the message.
As noted, the registry was supplemented with information of 6.36 thousands of accounts of depositors in respect of which lifted temporary restrictions on the total guaranteed amount 180,25 million.
Separately, the Fund said that payments will be made through the new automated system through the Department of “PRAVEX-Bank”, “Alfa-Bank”, “Credo-Bank”, “Ukrgasbank”, “PUMB”, “TA” and Bank “Pivdenny”.
According to the Fund, the investors are now “platinum Bank” has already paid 84.5% of the total guaranteed amount, which amounts to 4.7 billion UAH.
We will remind, “platinum Bank” was declared insolvent on 10 January 2017 due to insufficient capital. National Bank says that 97% of all depositors will receive their deposits in full, as their size does not exceed the guaranteed fgvfl $ 200 thousand UAH.
Before that, the Fund has exposed on sale “Platinum Bank”, but a buyer was not found on him.
As of 11 January 2017 on the balance sheet of financial institutions was of 7.43 billion. The lion’s share of the assets accounted for loans to legal entities carrying value of UAH 2.8 bn, loans to individuals by 3.02 billion. Liabilities – deposits of physical persons in UAH 5.4 billion, including a guarantee of the Fund was 4.9 billion UAH.