Investigators have named the sum, in which kidnapping suspect officials “kievavtodor”

The security service of Ukraine together with the Prosecutor General’s office exposed the embezzlement of the state budget “Kievavtodor” hundreds of millions of hryvnia. As a result of the searches, which lasted from the morning in the company offices, seized documents that confirm illegal operations, as well as the technique in which produced fictitious contracts, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Investigators say that executives of the company during tenders purchased the materials at an inflated price, and the money was transferred to fictitious firms and appropriated. Just last year, thus taken out of the budget of almost 300 million. Meanwhile, Kiev drivers in one voice say that with the roads in disaster. Therefore, searches in social networks reacted vividly, though, and that avtodorovtsy finally begin to honestly engage in ways almost no one believes.
But in the “Kievavtodor” posted on the Internet a list of the capital’s streets, which plan this year to repair. Involvement in any criminal schemes out there deny. However, the SBU opened criminal proceedings will be to prove the guilt of officials.
The TSN reporter Tatiana Fruit