Klitschko commented on the scandal surrounding the renovation at the metro station “left Bank”

The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko commented on the scandal to repair the metro station “left Bank”.
About this he wrote on his page in Facebook.
According to Klitschko, he instructed to check the compliance of work performed, as well as provision of barrier-free access to the subway exit.
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“I want to note that on Friday, while checking the surrounding neighborhood for the preparations for the Eurovision, I was on “Levoberezhke.” So, after this inspection, I gathered the workshop and, in particular, instructed: to verify compliance of executed works to the project, to complete the finishing works at the station and check the possibility (under the project) unit barrier-free access to the exit from the metro station “left Bank”, – said the mayor.
In addition, he added that the station is not completed and continues.
“Opened until one exit South entrance, access to the hotel “Turist hotel” will be opened at the end of April”, – wrote Klitschko.
Recall that social networks are indignant because of poor maintenance on the station, which is tender along with the project costs more than 24,5 million hryvnias. Photos of the failed restoration of the station, near which soon will be held the international song contest “Eurovision”, was in Facebook – the photographs show the exposed cables and tubes and distorting the position of the tile. Such substandard work caused a storm of criticism.