Contrary to the EU and the USA, Poroshenko has signed the controversial amendments to the law on e-Declaration

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law on amendments to article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention” (No. 6172). Relevant data are contained on the Parliament website.
See also:
Poroshenko proposed to create a working group on amendments to the law on e-Declaration
In connection with the new revisions, some categories of military personnel are exempt from the requirement to provide statements about income, but to file e-Declaration now required of all representatives of public organizations.
We will remind, on March 23, deputies of the VR adopted amendments to the law on e-Declaration, according to which, representatives of public associations are obliged to submit reports on their incomes, but soldiers from this need should be free.
See also:
In Brussels you want to cancel changes to the e-Declaration
We will note, earlier people’s Deputy from the faction “people’s front” Tatiana Chornovol his amendment proposed to introduce e-Declaration and for individuals who are founders (participants), editors (the editors) media. But during the discussion the proposal was withdrawn because the journalists do not receive salaries from the budget and not live on taxpayers ‘ money, unlike civil servants.
Add that the new changes to the law “On prevention corruption” received a great response among the international community. The US government, the UK and the EU urged the Ukrainian Parliament to reconsider the new changes and refuse from their implementation, which in their opinion, is “a step backward” that could interfere with the reform process of our country.