The Commission of the Ministry of health has not confirmed the diagnosis, which put doctors “Theophany” Nasirova

Clinical-expert Commission of the Ministry of health of Ukraine has not confirmed the diagnosis established at the clinical hospital “Feofaniya” of the suspended President of the SFS Novel Nasirova.
This was reported in the press center of the National anti-corruption Bureau.
The relevant conclusions of the Commission on evaluation of quality of rendering of medical aid to the suspect in hospital “Feofania” was provided to the NEB today, March 27.
“In particular, the conclusions noted that doctors “Theophany” systematically and unnecessarily exaggerating the severity of the health status of the head of the SFS. Objective reasons for the establishment of the specified diagnosis, according to the Ministry of health, doctors “Theophany” was not. Members of the Commission also revealed violations in the patient’s discharge from the medical institution”, – is spoken in the message.
We will remind, on March 2, the detectives NAB arrested the Chairman of the SFS on the territory of TC “Feofaniya” on suspicion of committing a crimeunder article “Abuse of power and official position”. Medical staff KL “Feofania” tried to limit the access of detectives NAB to the chamber in which was the head of the SFS, referring to the serious condition of his health.
After the decision of the question of access to the house, which was the head of the SFS, detectives NABOO informed him of suspicion. However, the suspect has not been translated into the institutions of temporary detention in connection with the information about the allegedly drastic deterioration of his health. However, the examination in other specialized medical establishing the diagnosis of CL “Theophany” is not confirmed.
March 13, the Kyiv court of Appeals left the measure of restraint for Nasirov unchanged – two months in jail, with the possibility to be released on bail of 100 million UAH. Money March 16, made his family. Nasirova was released, but put on the electronic leg bracelet and was ordered to surrender all passports, to be constantly in touch and be in for questioning.