Following the appearance fee for gas the Ukrainians can “duplicate” the tariff and the light

From April 1 for gas will have to pay twice, because the national regulatory Commission of energy in addition to tariffs for the consumed gas is introduced monthly fee – payment for the gas pipe came to your house or apartment. Moreover, NERC is called the European practice, says the story TSN.19:30.
Changed the calculation methodology of outputs the delivery of gas to the apartment in a separate utility service, which reduces the cost of the actual gas consumed. And although the fuel is really a bit cheaper, the total cost payers for gas will grow by a third. “In a month we use seven, maximum of ten cubic meters of gas. At current rates by 68 hryvnia. According to new tariffs, it will be 60 UAH for the gas used, and nearly UAH 50 per tube, which he came to us,” told housewife Inna Bodnar. Meter and gas pipe in the apartment her family has set for their own money, and why you now have to pay tax on the tube – a woman does not understand. “My grandmother lives in the village, and they, along with the neighbors chipped in to hold on to gas itself. It turns out that their a month to pay for the pipe, which they bought and at their own expense paved?”, she wonders.