Sytnik said about the pressure because of the case against Nasirov

The Director of the National anti-corruption Bureau Sytnyk said about the pressure because of the case against suspended head of the SFS of the Roman Nasirov.
He said this in an interview, the text of which is published on the website of the Bureau.
“I had a concern that too much pressure was carried out for experts who proivodit economic expertise. Unfortunately, the head of the expert service directly tried to put pressure on them. Regarding this I sent a letter to the Minister of justice, as the experts included in structure of the Ministry of justice. I was really confused, there were violations. But we have peredoprosit experts again, and they confirmed the accuracy of their conclusions. Therefore, the pressure on experts had no success,” he said.
Sitnic said that the precedents in other similar cases.
“… The exercise of pressure on the court and on the judiciary I do not exclude. Because, as I said, there was pressure on economic experts,” he said.
See also:
The lawyer filed a motion to dismiss the criminal case against Nasirov
We will remind, Nasirov is suspected of abuse of office and embezzlement of public funds in the amount of over UAH 2 bn. The consequence considers that Nasirov, acting in the interests of the Deputy Onishchenko, under the “gas case” is groundless, provided the number of enterprises the possibility of tax liabilities in installments.
Nasirova was released on bail in the amount of UAH 100 million. Money for him was made by his wife Catherine Klimovska. Answering the question of where the money Nasirov said that, they say, better in he sat in the detention facility and argued his guilt.
MP Mustafa Nayem says that the sum equally made Catherine and her father and father-in-law Nasirov Alexander glimbovsky.