In Kiev during the month will disappear all illegal gas filling

Located in Kyiv 353 gas filling point without any permits, which will be dismantled within a month.
About this informed the head of Kyiv city state administration Volodymyr Bondarenko.
“The city is ready to negotiate with the business, which adheres to the norms and will not negotiate with those who do not. 353 object AGFCS in the past and this year received the relevant instructions. All dismantling should be done no matter what the resistance is on their side”, – said Bondarenko.
According to him, within a month all these facilities will be dismantled.
Klitschko noted that the only AGFCS that can operate today are the ones that are part of the stationary gas stations because now other paperwork in Kiev there.
See also:
How much it costs to fill a car at a gas station. The average cost of fuel for March 30
“No law and rules we don’t break. The main aim of restoring order in the city. If someone wants violators to legalize their objects AGFCS – we are open to such dialogue. But illegal high-risk facilities in the city will not operate. We have no other choice. This is a direct danger for the people!”, – said Bondarenko.
In KSCA said that those AGFCS that after the dismantling of the attempts to illegally recover in the appropriate places, will take priority in the repeated dismantling.
As of today, in KCSA, there is no Declaration on security and documents for allotment of land for AGFCS.
We will remind, in Kiev, all told, how many millions fell short of the capital budget due to illegal gas filling stations. In particular, the capital budget in 2016 underpaid 569 million. According to him, these funds could be raised for salaries of teachers, triple the costs in cultural institutions.