In the Parliament proposed to ban abortion at the woman’s discretion

In “BPP” offer to allow abortions only in case of threat to pregnant woman’s life, fetal abnormalities or conception resulting from rape
The people’s Deputy from “Blok Petro Poroshenko” Dmitry Golubov has registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the bill No. 6239 on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding restrictions on the operations of artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion).
The text of the bill posted on the Parliament website. Today, March 29, he was sent to the Committee for consideration.
The bill proposes to establish that abortion is permitted only in cases and under circumstances, established by the legislation within the period not exceeding 22 weeks.
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Now, in the current norm of this article States that abortion, if it does not exceed 12 weeks, can be a women. In the cases established by the legislation, abortion can be performed during pregnancy from 12 to 22 weeks. The list of circumstances that allow abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy, established by the legislation.
In addition, the bill in the law “fundamentals of legislation of Ukraine on health protection” provides that the operation of artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion) may be conducted in health care institutions only in the cases and under the following circumstances: if the pregnancy poses a direct threat to the life of the pregnant woman; the presence of medical evidence regarding pathology of the fetus incompatible with life of the child after birth; the child’s conception the result of rape.
Given the circumstances definitely are certified by the Commission of relevant experts.
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“The woman who allowed the operation of artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion), mandatory free completeness of all the information about the consequences of such an operation and the stage of embryogenesis”, – stated in the draft law.