Yaresko told about his plan of action if she were appointed Prime Minister

The former Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalia Yaresko says “not happy that we went” post. Said that there were many plans that remain unimplemented. She also had ideas that changed if she were appointed Prime Minister. However, this chair then went to Vladimir Groisman.
Yaresko also said that does not break relations with Ukraine and not sell your house in which lived all these years. She told about it in interview “to modern times”.
Note that Jaresko became the Executive Director of the Council with financial management and control. The incumbent will contribute to debt restructuring and restoration of financial stability of Puerto Rico. And he plans to use the experience gained in Ukraine.
“It was difficult, I never in my life so the stress was not working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The problems were so many that you solve yesterday’s problems, and you are waiting for a series of today’s problems. Still, I liked this work, I liked to work for the good of the country”, – said Yaresko.
A common reason for fatigue was that the government had almost no support of the Parliament in the fall of 2015. But to come to work and perform some stuff without solving the actual problems – it demotivates, said Yaresko.
“I don’t know on what terms I return. I don’t need bodyguards, drivers, and status. This is not my values. It is important for me to do something. And if you see a position that you can do to be effective, to change and to move towards the goal, to interact effectively with colleagues, I readily accept it,” – said Yaresko.
“In the gas industry are no more intermediaries, and you remember that in the 25 years of Ukrainian mediators had many, some sitting in a California prison. We took this question at all. When we raised tariffs to the population and the new government made them equal to the tariffs for the industrial enterprises, the interests of certain people obviously suffered. In fact many of the companies at reduced rates, and even receiving grants from the government,” – said Yaresko.
When Ukraine moved to cancel the special regime of taxation for agricultural sector, a dozen agricultural holdings have lost a specific amount, therefore, began to resist.
Jaresko said that while it was necessary to unite with the President and with the Prime Minister and say that the crisis has passed and should work for this scenario. But such a possibility no one has.
“At first we were given to work with, because the crisis was so large that politicians have just said, save me, please save me! And when we out of the abyss came out, and it became apparent that the stabilization is almost here, then to solve important issues was again difficult, all instantly politicized”, – said Yaresko.
Policy much put a spoke in the wheel of reforms. Especially from September 2015. In particular, political interests began to influence the progress of the project of tax reform. A coalition government with representatives of all parties to offer a particular version of the reform went with him to the national reform Council with the participation of the President, the President approved the reform, and then it is not passed in Parliament because there are so many different interests.
“And further more. We filed the legislation on the legalization of gambling and, once there, those whose interest is not to give to legalize them,” – said Yaresko.
It is difficult now given the work on the reform of health acting Minister Uliana Suprun, against which play pharmaceutical companies and the health care system.
“Again, this is us the first nine months were given complete carte Blanche. And the fact that we have made several important steps contrary to the personal interests of influential politicians – our great success” – said Yaresko.
“If the system to work with everything I have listed, you will see growth. Of course, I had a plan, some idea about an upcoming government and I have done the preparatory work. I would definitely reduce the size of government. This whole system is overloaded it is difficult to manage, and a huge bureaucracy creates a generous ground for corruption. Concentrate on those things that give quick and visible for residents of the country the result. I know that the same logic is guided by the current Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman”, – said Yaresko.
Would also work with changing funding mechanisms in education and health, which are considered inefficient today.
“And I’m very glad that healthcare reform is now gaining momentum”, – told ex-the Minister of Finance.
Yaresko laments the impossibility (when it was in power) to do parallel important process – “to give people an understanding of why all that is important and valuable than painful sacrifices were not in vain. To fight for the hearts and minds of people in the country – to convince, to prove, that’s what counts now. Because today we lost time and gave odds with the populists with their personal interests.”
The state must renegotiate the contract with its own citizens, not to lose them constantly falling confidence.
“I’m primarily talking about people who changes the country needs, because fighting corruption is possible only if there are those who believe in the fight against corruption. If people are cynical and pessimistic, to fight corruption unthinkable difficult,” – said Yaresko.
In Ukraine permanently removed intermediaries in the gas industry, at the same time, the country needs a more rapid economic growth, and 3% a year is clearly not enough even to return to the previous level of welfare. In addition, it is not the privatization of SOEs.
“But privatisation is not so much a question of money, but the opportunity to tell the world: the state is no longer engaged in this strange business. Of course, there is a small percentage of enterprises not subject to privatization, but the majority may not burden the state. They are, as a rule, unprofitable and continue to spend public resources. From the point of view of any normal businessman – it is a complete nonsense,” – said Yaresko.
You should run the land market.
“We will not become a normal democracy, while part of the land will not be available for sale, but the populists have already Spud the subject, threatening the sale of Ukraine. Even in Russia, part of the land available for sale, and in Ukraine – no, we are losing a huge amount of investment. If the system to work with everything I have listed, you will see economic growth in real and tangible”, – said Yaresko.
“If you look at the numbers and graphs Vox Ukraine (nongovernmental organization), it is clear that the pace of reform extremely slow, but it is difficult to accuse the government, it makes a lot – the Parliament makes a little”, – said Yaresko.
She sees many officials and politicians the energy and desire to move the country forward, but their limits and seriously depressing lack of political unity.
“Work on the reform of urgency is constantly hampered by political motives, personal interests and populism,” – said Yaresko.