From April 1 increased the minimum support for the unemployed

From 1 April zastaw the minimum unemployment benefit for insured personsspecified in the first paragraph of article 22 of the law of Ukraine “On compulsory state social insurance against unemployment”.
So, help will be 1280 UAH after an increase of UAH 120. About it reported in Public service of employment.
See also:
With APR increase payments to ATO participants
Note that this increase applies to insured persons, insured for which within the 12 months preceding the registration at the employment center, was not less than six months.
These citizens have the right to receive unemployment benefits, the size of which depends on the wage at the last place of work of insurance and reasons for dismissal, however, may not be less than 1280 UAH.
The maximum size of the unemployment benefit may not exceed four times the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons – now it is 6 400 UAH.
The total duration of payment of this allowance may not exceed 360 calendar days for two years, and for persons approaching retirement age (2 years before the right to a pension), the duration of payment of unemployment assistance can not exceed 720 calendar days.
We will remind, the government approved in 2017 the budget of the Fund of compulsory social insurance in case of unemployment. Its revenues will amount to 10.5 billion UAH and expenditures of UAH 10.3 bn.